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What is PPD?

Postpartum depression (PPD) refers to the feelings of emptiness, sadness, or hopelessness after childbirth. PPD and the baby blues are different. Some symptoms can overlap, but the feelings and emotions associated with the baby blues only last for about two weeks. PPD, on the other hand, is more severe and typically lasts longer. 

In the U.S.

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  • On average, in the USA, 10% of men and 15% of women experience PPD

  • 50% of women who experienced depression during pregnancy experience PPD.

  • 15% of women who experience baby blues experience PPD.

  • PPD is most prevalent in impoverished communities where mothers live below the poverty level.

In California

*Hover over graphics below for more information.*

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Recent statistics have shown that women in California who experience symptoms of postpartum depression are more likely to have MediCal instead of private insurance.

Showing Symptoms



Studies show that even though Black and Latina women have the highest rates of PPD, these women are least likely to receive the care for their symptoms.

In the Inland Empire

The following statistics show the percentage of women in each county who experience symptoms of PPD.​

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